Tuesday, August 10, 2010

One Month In!

Holy crap, it’s been a month! I have so much to say! It’s hot as heck, buggy, and I use a bucket of water to “shower” everyday! I sleep outside every night, under my mosquito net. I get crazy dreams from the preventive anti-malaria drugs they give us. For drinking water, I get mine from a pump, and then proceed to filter and bleach it. Mmm, bleach water!

The people here, especially my host family, are ridiculously kind to us! They are very helpful and funny and overall amazing. Sharing their homes and food and life with them is very humbling. And by food, I mean rice and sauce.

I’ve been healthy, except when I got sick by accidentally ingesting an amoeba, which resulted in me simultaneously going diarrhea and barfing until there was nothing left in me. Not so fun, but sometimes unavoidable. Antibiotics FTW!

Right now I’m in Peace Corps Training until September 23. We’re learning a ton- medical, cultural, linguistic, technical. It’s kind of overwhelming, but necessary. My American friends here, my books, my writing, and Coca Cola are helping a ton to keep me going!

I’m doing well here, though it is hard. Today we find out our villages, where we will be working for the next two years. Very exciting!

I often subtract 8 hours and wonder what you are doing back home. I hope you are all well! Write me! Or send beef jerky, trail mix, dried fruit, and mix tapes (yes, cassette tapes with music!) Thanks!

David Metting
Corps de la Paix
B.P. 10537
Niamey, Niger

Phone- 011-227-98-39-20-88


  1. I've been trying to call you! I got your message but when I call your phone number is says I'm not able to make that call!

    It's good to hear that you are doing well and I'll have to send something to you soon!

  2. We were so excited to get your message! A care package will be on its way within a month, we promise.
