Friday, December 24, 2010

Doesn't feel like Christmas, but it is! It's too hot!

Hey, it's that time of the month again, when I get to connect with the outside world, from our lonely outpost at the frontier. This past month was my best month in Niger here so far- things are really starting to come together. I'm improving in French and Hausa, meeting people who want to work together and have ideas, and just getting to know my village and villagers even better. Things are falling into place, as they say. I'm learning more and more how to be HERE and NOW- awake and attuned to each precious moment, not lost in what was or what will be. Living NOW. I am finding a new sense of calm and peace- I don't know how much of this is from my own effort, versus the wonderful people and oppurtunities I've had in my life. How responsible are we for our own lives and happiness? What about the many many events beyond our control? What lies beyond our grasp? I have no answers yet, but will keep thinking.

We are all gathered to celebrate our favorite holiday, the time of year when one is close to friends and family. We are building our communities here- fellow volunteers, our villagers. To celebrate now, we're watching Christmas movies, doing Secret Santa, and eating lots and lots and lots. Cakes, enchiladas, bagels and smoked salmon, candy, treasures from care packages from home. Shout out to the marvelous cooks of Team Maradi! I'll clean those dishes or be your errand boy any day! I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm better at walking than cooking.

Because I always like talking about books, I'll talk about my reading. I finished Genesis and Guns, Germs, and Steel, and, safe to say, my mind was sufficiently blown by both! It was good to actually read Genesis fully, and to think deeply and critically about it. The story of Joseph and his Brothers was one of the parts that moved me the most. And GGS gave me a good framework for looking at history. As I finished these books I felt the sadness I always feel when finishing a good book. Like saying good-bye to a close friend. Maybe I'm just a melancholic! Now, I'm deep in Robert Heinlen's Stranger in a Strange Land. I never can go too long without some Science Fiction! And the title and story are very appropriate and even inspiring to our mission here. Some of my friends here (Mason! Will!) have spoken highly of this book, and I'm enjoying it. I always love wondering what marvelous sights the future may hold!

Soon, we have a 1-month training back at the training site. This should be a great time to catch up with my friends scattered throughout the regions. PC Niger, hope you are all doing wonderfully. And Merry Christmas to all- friends here, family at home, friends scattered- hope your holiday is one of happiness. Have a wonderful time relaxing and reflecting and breathing in slowly the lovely warm air of Repose.

Signing out!

Issa- (David, DCM, Run DCM, Bob, Dave, Bummef, Kanta- many names I seem to find myself with! A rose...)